Fluency Project could be implemented in more Carlynton classes
Kristen Fischer's English class at Carlynton Junior-Senior High School recently went on a "data collection walk" around campus, taking photos, compiling data and identifying improvements they would like to see implemented. It's not the usual way to study the writings of Henry David Thoreau and Ralph Waldo Emerson.
Bethel Park students collaborate on radon-testing project
Testing for radon comes with the possibility of producing numbers you don't exactly want to see. "Luckily, none of our houses in Bethel were above the actionable levels that the EPA sets," Neil Armstrong Middle School teacher Joe Rosi said, "which is awesome."
Local teachers, CMU's CREATE Lab bring technical fluency to classrooms
This past summer, Carnegie Mellon University researchers and local teachers played with maps of Pittsburgh's public bus routes as an experiment in visualizing so-called big data. The two-week residency prepared teachers to take the big data movement - datasets so large or complex that traditional processing applications are inadequate - into classrooms for the current school year through the new Fluency project.
New Project Helps K-12 Students Become Fluent with Data and Technology - News - Carnegie Mellon University
By Byron Spice / 412-268-9068 / bspice@andrew.cmu.edu The future success of today's students hinges more than ever on their ability to think critically, and creatively manipulate technology, media and data. Helping them achieve this level of fluency is the goal of a new project led by Carnegie Mellon University and sponsored by The Heinz Endowments.